2011 VOLKSWAGEN GOLF VIN WVWZZZ1KZBW000001 - Report Summary
Report ID | 4233620 | Internal Report Identification Number | |
Alternative Motive Power | N/A | Identifies any alternative or secondary fuel source that powers the vehicle | |
Basic Colour | RED | The predominant colour of the vehicle | |
Body Type | HATCHBACK | Identifies the vehicle's body shape | |
CC Rating | 1380 | Total volume in cubic centimetres of the displacement of all cylinders of the vehicle's engine | |
Chassis | First 7 characters of the Chassis Number | ||
Class | MA | Vehicle equipment standard classification | |
Engine Number | CAV-262131 | All characters of the Engine Number | |
First Registration Year | 2016 | The year the vehicle was first registered | |
First Registration Month | 7 | The month the vehicle was first registered | |
Gross Vehicle Mass | 1615 | The maximum permitted mass of the vehicle in kilograms | |
Height | 0 | The height of the vehicle measured from the base of the wheel to the top of the vehicle structure | |
Import Status | USED | The status of a vehicle as it arrives into country | |
Industry Class | PRIVATE | The class of industry a vehicle is associated with | |
Industry Model Code | DBA-1KCAV | Non-validated field used by vehicle manufacturers to describe model code | |
Make | VOLKSWAGEN | The manufacturer of the vehicle | |
Model | GOLF | The model of vehicle as assigned by the manufacturer | |
Motive Power | PETROL | Identifies the primary fuel source that powers the vehicle | |
MVMA Model Code | Model code is assigned by the manufacturer at the time of VIN allocation | ||
Number of Axles | 0 | Records the number of axles the vehicle has | |
Number of Seats | 5 | Records the number of seats in a vehicle | |
Assembled | IMPORTED BUILT-UP | Indicates where the vehicle was assembled | |
Original Country | GERMANY | The country where the vehicle (or kit) was principally manufactured | |
Power Rating | 0 | The power rating of the vehicle | |
Previous Country | JAPAN | The country where a used imported vehicle was registered immediately prior to its arrival | |
Road Transport Code | Shows the type of road transport the vehicle is used for | ||
Submodel | TSI | The sub model of the vehicle as assigned by the manufacturer | |
TLA | CENTRAL OTAGO DISTRICT | The Territorial Authority that the registered owner of the vehicle resides in | |
Transmission Type | The gearing system the vehicle has (e.g. automatic or manual) | ||
VDAM Weight | 0 | The maximum allowable laden weight for the vehicle on the road | |
Vehicle Type | PASSENGER CAR/VAN | The type of vehicle e.g. motorcycle, passenger car/van, bus etc. | |
Vehicle Usage | PRIVATE PASSENGER | Classification of how a vehicle is used. This field groups several more detailed usage types. | |
Vehicle Year | 2011 | Year of manufacture or model year - if unknown, year of first registration | |
URL | Volkswagen GOLF VIN decoder | Get more info about the car. | |
VIN | WVWZZZ1KZBW000001 | Characters of the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) | |
Width | 0 | The width of the vehicle |
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