1999 MITSUBISHI FIGHTER VIN MMTFN527ETC000001 - Report Summary

Report ID 4175895 Internal Report Identification Number
Alternative Motive Power N/A Identifies any alternative or secondary fuel source that powers the vehicle
Basic Colour WHITE   The predominant colour of the vehicle
Body Type OTHER TRUCK Identifies the vehicle's body shape
CC Rating 7545 Total volume in cubic centimetres of the displacement of all cylinders of the vehicle's engine
Chassis First 7 characters of the Chassis Number
Class NC Vehicle equipment standard classification
Engine Number 6016GA0797 All characters of the Engine Number
First Registration Year 1999 The year the vehicle was first registered
First Registration Month 10 The month the vehicle was first registered
Gross Vehicle Mass 21800 The maximum permitted mass of the vehicle in kilograms
Height 3400 The height of the vehicle measured from the base of the wheel to the top of the vehicle structure
Import Status NEW The status of a vehicle as it arrives into country
Industry Class CONSTRUCTING The class of industry a vehicle is associated with
Industry Model Code Non-validated field used by vehicle manufacturers to describe model code
Make MITSUBISHI The manufacturer of the vehicle
Model FIGHTER The model of vehicle as assigned by the manufacturer
Motive Power DIESEL Identifies the primary fuel source that powers the vehicle
MVMA Model Code FN527S Model code is assigned by the manufacturer at the time of VIN allocation
Number of Axles 3 Records the number of axles the vehicle has
Number of Seats 3 Records the number of seats in a vehicle
Assembled IMPORTED BUILT-UP Indicates where the vehicle was assembled
Original Country JAPAN The country where the vehicle (or kit) was principally manufactured
Power Rating 165 The power rating of the vehicle
Previous Country NONE The country where a used imported vehicle was registered immediately prior to its arrival
Road Transport Code Shows the type of road transport the vehicle is used for
Submodel FN527S The sub model of the vehicle as assigned by the manufacturer
TLA CHRISTCHURCH CITY The Territorial Authority that the registered owner of the vehicle resides in
Transmission Type 10-GEAR MANUAL The gearing system the vehicle has (e.g. automatic or manual)
VDAM Weight 21000 The maximum allowable laden weight for the vehicle on the road
Vehicle Type GOODS VAN/TRUCK/UTILITY The type of vehicle e.g. motorcycle, passenger car/van, bus etc.
Vehicle Usage TRANSPORT LICENSED GOODS Classification of how a vehicle is used. This field groups several more detailed usage types.
Vehicle Year 1999 Year of manufacture or model year - if unknown, year of first registration
URL Mitsubishi FIGHTER VIN decoder Get more info about the car.
VIN MMTFN527ETC000001 Characters of the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
Width 2500 The width of the vehicle

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